As a first wave Indigo Child, Sue Campisi is a natural-born healer. But as is the case with most Indigo Children, her early life was burdened by heavy karma and many hardships causing her to shut down and “forget” her abilities. As a child, she was hypersensitive to her environment and suffered from severe anxiety and panic attacks. She felt extreme loneliness and an intense longing to “find her own kind” as she felt very foreign on this planet. Sue withdrew further and further into herself falling into a major depression. She turned to self-mutilation and alcohol as her only coping mechanisms. Approximately five years later, she took a long hard look at herself and decided she no longer wanted to live the way she was.

Through inner strength, persistence, and refusal to give up, Sue was able to rise up out of her ashes and heal her mind, body, and spirit on her own. Looking back, she now sees that she was intuitively following the guidance of her higher self and her beloved galactic family.

Sue’s decision to become a Registered Nurse allowed for many synchronistic events to occur in her life. One of her clinical instructors happened to be a Reiki Master. Hearing this awakened something within her. She remembered the gifts she knew as a young child. After her Reiki II attunement, she quickly noticed something was “different”.  She was made aware of a unique healing force that channeled through her. She calls this healing energy Indigo Healing.

Her natural gifts and intuitive abilities have grown immensely the over last few years, allowing her to dig deep into energetic blocks and mental traumas allowing them to be cleared. In 2022, she became certified in John Barnes Myofascial Release, giving her yet another powerful tool added to her natural abilities.

Sue is honored that you have chosen this time to heal and evolve, and she is ready and willing to assist you on your healing journey to empowerment.